Architectural Exposome

The Architectural Exposome builds up onto the term defined by the epidemiologist Christopher Paul Wild in an article written in 2005. It was coined in order to reveal that constructed things are part of the environment and are inextricably linked to all that they are exposed to. In the same way as the individual exposome changes with even the most subtle stimuli, the architectural exposome is also a detailed record of all that a construction gets exposed to. The exposome of a building includes microscopic exposures in the description of its spatial context.

Related Projects

Boundaries by Exposome
Architecture by Exposome
Soil Care


Design Drama

The Design Drama is a form of practice developed within Diploma 12 at the Architectural Association that combines theatrical techniques with academic research and architectural design to question the architecture, science and rituals that influence what futures we are heading towards. Audiences get to inhabit different characters from real or constructed worlds in order to gain new perspectives on how we use and produce spaces.

Related Projects

Microbial Space
Boundaries by Exposome
Together Forever